Sat 21-September-2024

Israeli army seizes Palestinian agricultural vehicles near Tubas

Sunday 24-September-2017

The Israeli occupation army on Sunday morning confiscatedPalestinian-owned tractors and vehicles used for agricultural purposes andtried to arrest farmers in al-Ras al-Ahmar area near Tubas in the northernJordan Valley.

Local official Moataz Bisharat said that employees from theIsraeli army’s civil administration escorted by soldiers stormed al-Rasal-Ahmar area and forced farmers to hand over their vehicles.

Bisharat added that the soldiers along with the employeesconfiscated two private cars one truck and one tractor used by the farmers intheir agricultural activities on their lands in the area.

However local activist Aref Daraghmeh affirmed that thecivil administration confiscated during the morning three vehicles used to transportfarmers and equipment and two tractors in the area.

Last week the civil administration seized three Palestinianagricultural vehicles in the same area.

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