Thu 19-September-2024

Netanyahu’s wife to be indicted over fraud charges

Tuesday 5-September-2017

Sara Netanyahu is expected to be indicted pending a hearing on charges of fraudulently receiving items worth 400000 shekels ($111851) Haaretz has learned.

According to Haaretz Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit is expected to inform Sara Netanyahu wife of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of the charges against her in a few weeks.

Sara Netanyahu is suspected of ordering chef’s meals at the prime minister’s official residence which is against regulations and concealing the fact that she did so. She and her husband have accused the former chief caretaker of the official residence Meni Naftali who is currently leading protests against the prime minister of inflating the residence’s expenses.

At a rally last week Netanyahu also accused Naftali of stealing food from the residence. But a senior police official commenting recently on the high expenses run up at the official residence said recently that “this phenomenon began before Naftali came to work at the residence and continued after he was fired.”

The decision to indict Sara Netanyahu in the residence affair is the first in a series of moves to be made in the coming months in cases in which the prime minister and members of his inner circle are suspects. A senior law enforcement official said the likelihood was that police would submit their recommendations in around December in Case 1000 in which the prime minister is suspected of illicitly receiving gifts from wealthy patrons and Case 2000 in which the suspicion is that Netanyahu tried to concoct a deal with Arnon Mozes publisher of the mass-circulation daily Yedioth Ahronoth to receive favorable coverage in the newspaper in exchange for cutting back on commercial activity of the competing free daily Israel Hayom.

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