Fri 20-September-2024

Khater hopes Jordanian invitation to Haneyya would mend Hamas-Amman relations

Wednesday 27-December-2006

DAMASCUS (PIC)– Sami Khater the political bureau member of the Hamas Movement has expressed hopes that the Jordanian monarch King Abdullah’s invitation to PA premier Ismail Haneyya would contribute to mending relations between Amman and Hamas.

Khater told PIC that Hamas is keen on fostering relations with all Arab and Islamic countries in their capacity as the strategic depth of the Palestine cause.

Hamas supports any Arab or Islamic initiative to facilitate Palestinian national dialogue on the basis of national constants and Palestinian legitimate rights he said adding that the dialogue should end with forming a national unity government based on the national harmony document.

The Hamas leader pointed out that a number of Arab and Islamic parties recently asked Hamas to resume national dialogue and added “We welcome any Arab or Islamic effort aimed at boosting national unity and endorsing dialogue as the only means of resolving differences among various forces and factions.”

Asked on the reported ten-day time limit fixed by PA chief Mahmoud Abbas for Hamas to form a unity government Khater said that it was not appropriate to put conditions before national dialogue affirming that his Movement was keen on the formation of such a government the soonest.

“We have no other option but dialogue to meet higher national interests” he underlined and recalled that Hamas ever since its resounding legislative election victory in January 2006 had called for formation of a national unity government.

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