Thu 19-September-2024

Dozens arrested in West Bank sweep by Israeli army

Wednesday 9-August-2017

Several Palestinians were kidnapped by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in abduction sweeps rocking West Bank provinces at daybreak Wednesday.

The IOF stormed Qalqilya’s eastern town of Azzoun in the northern West Bank and wreaked havoc on over 15 Palestinian homes before they kidnapped eight civilians.

The IOF also broke into Bethlehem in the southern occupied West Bank and kidnapped eight Palestinians among them three 15-year-old minors from al-Amour family.

At the same time two Palestinian ex-prisoners—Mohamed Qat and Quteiba Azem—were kidnapped by the IOF from their family homes in Nablus.

Fierce clashes burst out between the Israeli occupation troops and Palestinian protesters in Sufian Street and AlShuhadaa in al-Khalil.

Seven Palestinians were kidnapped by the IOF from the city among them the leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Badran Jaber 70.

The Israeli army troops ravaged civilian homes in al-Khalil sparking tension across the city according to anti-settlement activist Rateb al-Jabour.

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