Mon 16-September-2024

Injuries reported in anti-occupation marches in West Bank

Friday 4-August-2017

Violent clashes between Palestinian citizens and Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) erupted on Friday following a peaceful march that kicked off south of al-Khalil city in the southern West Bank.

The march aimed at protesting the construction of an Israeli military watchtower at the junction of Kharsa town south of al-Khalil city.

Local sources revealed that scores of Palestinians performed Friday prayer at the area of the watchtower which has been under construction for a few days.

IOF soldiers showered protesters with stun grenades and tear gas canisters in addition to rubber-coated bullets. A number of the marchers fainted while others sustained breathing problems in the process the sources added.

In a similar context two Palestinian youths were injured in the Israeli quelling of Kafr Qaddum weekly peaceful march.

The Anti-Separation Wall and anti-settlement march also demanded the reopening of a main road closed by the IOF 14 years ago.

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