Tue 17-September-2024

Thousands rally in Beirut in support of al-Aqsa

Wednesday 19-July-2017

Thousands of Palestinian refugees gathered in the Lebanese capital Beirut on Tuesday in defense of al-Aqsa Mosque and Occupied Jerusalem.

Many of those who gathered in Beirut were bused in from the various Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. Representatives of Lebanese and Palestinian factions and political parties also participated in the event.

The gathering was organized by Hamas Movement.

“We are here to back our brothers and sisters in occupied Jerusalem” political official of the Hamas Movement in Lebanon Ahmed Abdel Hadi said during the rally.

“We will not allow Israel to take over our Al-Aqsa” he said.

“The Palestinian people and their resistance will never let Israeli plans pass. Al-Aqsa Mosque is more valuable than our blood and souls.”

For his part member of the Political Bureau of Hezbollah Mohammed Saleh praised the resistance fighters from the Jabarin family who carried out the shooting incident last Friday.

Salah strongly meanwhile condemned the Israeli violations of Palestinian worshipers’ rights in occupied Jerusalem.

Member of the Political Bureau of the Palestine Liberation Front Salah al-Yousef stressed the importance of the ongoing Jerusalem Intifada to confront Israeli Judaization schemes.

Tensions are still running high in occupied Jerusalem and al-Aqsa after Israeli authorities tightened their restrictions on Palestinian worshipers’ entry into al-Aqsa the third holiest site in Islam following an anti-occupation shooting which left three Palestinians killed and two Israeli police officers dead.

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