Fri 20-September-2024

Hamas castigates Abbas advisors for participating in siege demands inquiry

Monday 25-December-2006

GAZA (PIC)– The Hamas Movement on Monday condemned the involvement of the PA presidency chaired by Mahmoud Abbas in the western-led siege on the Palestinian people through attending a meeting aimed at tightening that siege.

The Movement in a statement said that Abbas participated in American administration’s efforts aimed at toppling the legitimate Hamas-formed PA government to the extent that he tried to convince the Egyptian president to block entry of money via Egyptian-Palestinian borders.

Hamas asked the PLC to question MP Saeb Erikat for his statement in this regard and to ask the PA government to investigate the presidency’s role in the siege.

The Movement asked the Palestinian masses to organize peaceful protest rallies against the PA presidency’s role and direct involvement in besieging the “heroic steadfast people” of Palestine.

Reuters quoted Maria Telleria the spokesperson of the European observers at the Rafah terminal between the Gaza Strip and Egypt as saying that an agreement was reached between officials in the EU PA Egypt and Israel to prevent Hamas ministers and officials from bringing money via the Rafah terminal.

Erikat for his part said that Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak had pledged to Abbas to block the channeling of money through the Egyptian side of the borders.

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