Sat 5-October-2024

PLC calls on Arab states to halt normalization with Israel

Wednesday 7-June-2017

The Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) called on Arab and Muslim governments to halt normalization and to cut off diplomatic relations with Israeli occupation authorities.

In the PLC Wednesday session the MPs appealed to Arabs and Muslims to protect Occupied Jerusalem from Israeli Judaization attempts.

The MPs asked the Palestinian factions to get united end the internal division and cooperate in putting a plan to defend Occupied Jerusalem and al-Aqsa Mosque as well as to support the al-Quds Intifada (uprising).

They also called on the Palestinian Authority security forces to stop security coordination with the Israeli occupation and to stop arresting Palestinian anti-Israel activists.

The parliamentarians asked the Palestinian Authority to shoulder its responsibility for protecting the Islamic and Christian holy places in Occupied Jerusalem through prosecuting Israeli war criminals at the International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice.

They asked the government to enforce the law that criminalizes the waiver of Jerusalem which was approved by the PLC in 2008.

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