Mon 16-September-2024

European campaign concludes a solidarity day with Gaza Prisoners

Saturday 27-May-2017

European Campaign to Lift Gaza Siege concluded on Saturday the events of the European unified day for the refusal of the Israeli siege on Gaza and in support of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

The campaign said that the program included holding solidarity events and protest sit-ins in each of Germany Netherlands Denmark Sweden and Austria on the seventh anniversary of the Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara Turkish vessel.

The events also included sending letters and petitions to European foreign ministers and parliamentarians on the issue of the hunger strike which was launched by Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

A Twitter campaign of two hashtags on the issues of Gaza and the hunger strike was also launched. Another introductory campaign in European languages was also launched by Palestinian Youth Assembly in Europe. It aimed at urging European youths to express their solidarity with the hunger strikers as well as their refusal of the continuation of Gaza siege.

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