Fri 20-September-2024

Israeli authorities demolish Araqeeb village for the 113th time

Wednesday 17-May-2017

The Israeli authorities’ bulldozers demolished on Wednesday morning al-Araqeeb village in the Negev for the 113th time.

Member of the Local Committee to Defend al-Araqeeb Aziz al-Touri said that the demolition vehicles escorted by the Israeli police arrived in the village in the morning and destroyed all of its houses which consist of tents and barracks.

Touri told Quds Press that the owners of the demolished houses had rebuilt them in April 2017 after the Israeli authorities demolished them on the 25th of the same month.

He stressed that the citizens will rebuild their demolished houses “just like they do after every demolition to emphasize their attachment to their village and lands”.

Al-Araqeeb is located to the north of Beersheba city in the Negev Desert in the southern 1948 occupied Palestinian territories. It is one of 45 Arab villages in the Negev that Israel does not recognize and targets by demolishing its houses and displacing its inhabitants. On the other hand it plans to build Jewish-only towns in the area.

The Negev constitutes about 40% of historical Palestine. It covers an area of 12757 square km and is a home to 200000 Palestinians.

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