Fri 20-September-2024

IOA threatens demolition of 3 Palestinian prisoners’ houses

Wednesday 5-April-2017

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) issued demolition notices on Wednesday against houses of Palestinian prisoners in Ramallah and al-Bireh twin cities north of occupied Jerusalem under the pretext of building without permit.

The wife of the prisoner Bajes Nakhla who is a leader with Hamas Movement said that an Israeli military force raided her house in Jalazone refugee camp north of Ramallah and handed her an order notifying the demolition of her 600-square-meter house.

Nakhla told Quds Press agency that the IOA had handed the family a similar notice three years ago but the family filed an objection through human rights organizations. However the Israeli court has not made a final decision yet.

She affirmed that this demolition notice comes in the context of the continuous targeting of her husband who is kept in solitary confinement in Eshel prison and who has been administratively detained for more than a year noting that for 17 years her husband has been a victim of repeated arrests.

She pointed out that the Israeli targeting of her family falls in line with a political revenge plan and is not because of the Israeli claims of building without a permit.

In a related development local sources reported that the IOA handed two demolition notices to the released prisoners Abbas Qara’an and Rami Ishtewi from al-Bireh city under the same pretext.

Abbas Qara’an said in an interview with Quds Press agency that an Israeli force stormed his house in Jabal al-Tawil area and threatened to demolish it claiming that part of his house is located in Area C which is under full Israeli controlled according to the Oslo accords.

He added that the notice gives him a three-day time limit to object in court noting that he received another demolition notice three years ago without the Israeli court issuing a final decision in this regard.

Qara’an a released prisoner who spent seven years in Israeli jails and three years in the Palestinian Authority’s prisons affirmed that the Israeli occupation uses building without a permit as an excuse to target the Palestinian prisoners.

He said that the house of the released prisoner Rami Ishtewi which is located next to his house received a similar notice noting that both houses are close to Psagot settlement which was illegally built on Palestinian lands east of al-Bireh.

He pointed out that his house was licensed few years before the occupation of the West Bank in 1967 and that he obtained the necessary licenses to expand it in 2002.

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