Sun 6-October-2024

IOA deprives Hamas leader from visitation for six years spent in isolation

Sunday 10-August-2008

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC)– The Israeli prisons authority has refused to allow visitors to call on Sheikh Jamal Abul Haija one of the Hamas West Bank leaders who is serving nine life sentences in addition to 80 years.

Buthaina Dakmak lawyer of the Mandela institution catering for Palestinian captives said that even Abul Haija’s children are not allowed to visit him.

The IPA is not content with isolating the detained Sheikh for the sixth consecutive year but has also deprived his three children and his wife and daughter from seeing him she said.

The lawyer noted that the Israeli military court recently allowed his children to visit him but after reaching jail following a tiresome trip and humiliating searches the visit was called and they were not allowed to see their father who has been held under inhuman incarceration conditions since June 2002.

She said that the IPA also refused to bring the Sheikh together with his two imprisoned sons Abdul Salam who is serving a 78-month sentence and Asem who has been held for the past three and a half years under administrative detention without trial or charge.

Dakmak said that the Israeli intelligence refused Abul Haija’s requests in this regard despite his dire need of their assistance to help him in various daily life needs especially when his right arm was amputated after it was hit with an Israeli dumdum bullet during the IOF invasion of the Jenin refugee camp in March 2002.

Meanwhile the IOF re-opened a roadblock to the north of Nablus on Saturday after eight years of closure. However on Sunday the IOF troops at the Beit Eba road barrier west of Nablus city prevented Palestinian citizens from crossing in or out of the city.

Hundreds of IOF roadblocks are spread all over the West Bank obstructing the movement of Palestinians and dissecting the entire region converting Palestinian cities refugee camp and villages into isolated islands controlled by occupation.

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