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Amman Summit refuses to recognize Israel as Jewish state

Tuesday 28-March-2017

The Arab foreign ministers affirmed on Tuesday ahead of Amman Summit which will be held on Wednesday that the Arab countries adhere to the peace initiative launched in Beirut Summit in 2002 and confirmed their refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

During the Arab ministers’ preparatory meetings in the Dead Sea in Jordan they said that the summit will ask the countries who have not yet recognized the state of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital to do so stressing meanwhile that the Israeli bill stipulating the annexation of East Jerusalem is null and void.

According to Anadolu Agency the agenda of the summit includes a resolution affirming that the Palestinian cause is a central issue for all Arab countries and confirming the Palestinian sovereignty over the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 including East Jerusalem as well as the Palestinian airspace territorial water and the borders with the neighboring countries.

The resolution stipulates adherence to the Arab peace initiative launched in Beirut Summit in 2002. It says that peace is a strategic choice that requires ending the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian and Arab territories occupied in 1967 and enabling the Palestinian people to exercise their inalienable rights based on the international law the Arab peace initiative and the resolutions of the previous Arab summits.

The international community will be asked to implement the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution No. 2234 which was issued in 2016 illegalizing the Israeli settlement activity and considering it a blatant violation of the international law and an obstacle to the peace process and calling for its immediate halt in the occupied Palestinian territories and East Jerusalem.

The resolution condemns the Israeli government’s policy aimed at eliminating the two-state solution and imposing the apartheid regime instead. It also denounces the Israeli Regulation Bill which legalizes the settlement construction annexation and expansion in the so-called Area C in the occupied West Bank.

It calls on all countries supporting the two-state solution that have not recognized the Palestinian state yet especially the permanent members in the UNSC and the countries of European Union as well as Britain which is responsible for the Palestinians’ suffering to recognize the Palestinian state in a contribution to achieving peace through the two-state solution.

All countries will be demanded to abide by the UNSC resolutions No. 476 and 478 issued in 1980 which deem the Israeli bill stipulating the annexation of East Jerusalem null and void.

The summit’s agenda will include the reaffirmation of the Declaration of Palestine issued by the Arab-African summit Malabo in 2016 and calls for increasing work with the African Union to support the Palestinian cause.

The summit will announce rejection of Israel’s candidacy for membership in the UNSC in 2019-2020 because of its long record of flagrant violations of the UN resolutions and the principles of the international law and human rights.

The resolution called for an Arab and Islamic joint action to support the Palestinian cause stressing that achieving Palestinian national unity within the framework of the Palestine Liberation Organization the legitimate and sole representative of the Palestinian people constitutes a real guarantee to preserve the Palestinian national rights.

The Arab Group in the UN was entrusted to mobilize support for the Palestinian cause in the General Assembly follow-up the implementation of the UNSC resolution No. 2234 which illegalizes the Israeli settlement activity ensure that Palestine gets full membership in the UN and take all necessary measures to prevent Israel’s candidacy for membership in the UNSC or any UN position.

The Arab League Secretary General was assigned to follow up the implementation of this resolution and present a report in the next session of the Arab League’s Council.

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