Thu 19-September-2024

Hayya denies Hamas’s intention to form new government in Gaza

Tuesday 14-March-2017

Political bureau member of Hamas Khalil al-Hayya asked on Tuesday the Prime Minister of the Ramallah government Rami Hamdallah to “take control of Gaza and solve its problems.”

During a ceremony hosted by Hamas in Gaza honoring the journalists who received international awards Hayya denied the allegations that Hamas intends to form a new government in Gaza. He stressed that the current government in power is the Ramallah government led by Hamdallah and it is the one responsible for the Gaza Strip.

Hayya continued “We insist to complete what we have started in Beirut last month of activating the Palestine Liberation Organization and forming a new national council that represents all factions.”

He pointed out that Hamas did not reject the municipal elections but asked for ensuring a sound environment so the Movement can practice its activities in the West Bank.

In another context Hayya asserted that his Movement will make every effort possible to liberate Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails adding “We are not warmongers. We are the victims of the Israeli terrorism.”

On the upcoming visit of the president of the Palestinian Authority (PA) Mahmoud Abbas to Washington and his meeting with the US president Donald Trump Hayya commented “The PA official media started to sell illusions to the Palestinian people after the Abbas-Trump phone call.”

Hayya meanwhile slammed the PA for holding a trial for Basel al-Araj who was martyred few days ago in an armed clash with the Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank and for assaulting Araj’s father and a group of citizens and journalists who protested the trial.

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