Mon 16-September-2024

Shame on Harvard

Sunday 20-May-2007

Harvard is a one of the most respected universities in the world. It is especially renowned for its academic excellence and sound scholarly traditions. However Harvard’s good name is being tarnished by the presence on its campus of a certified war criminal who is believed to have been responsible for the murder and maiming of thousands of innocent men women and children in the Middle East.

The reported attendance of the former Israeli Chief of Staff Dan Halutz  on a Harvard Elite study program does besmirch  the reputation of this school which claims to be guided by ethical principles.

I realize as do many Americans including some conscientious Harvard professors that the general discourse in the United States is immensely influenced by the powerful Zionist media as well as by the scandalously powerful Israeli lobbies such as AIPAC.

However Harvard should know better and if ordinary Americans can be forgiven for their ignorance about Israel’s criminal behavior and racism Harvard has no excuse.

But in case the Harvard administration is not aware of Halutz’s criminal credentials here is a brief reminder.

As Commander of the Israeli Air Force and later Chief of Staff of the Israeli army Dan Halutz instructed Israeli forces including the air force to indiscriminately bomb Lebanese and Palestinian population centers causing the death of thousands of civilians.

Halutz instructed Israeli pilots to bomb homes hospitals colleges ambulances airports refineries gas stations schools roads and power stations. The atrocities committed under his command were condemned worldwide as “war crimes.”

In 2002 Halutz then commander of the Israeli air-force gave instructions to drop one-ton bombs on an apartment building in downtown Gaza killing 16 civilians including 11 children. Halutz never expressed remorse for the pornographic killing. Instead he told the Israeli media that “I sleep well at night” and “have a clear conscience.”

Moreover during the Palestinian Aqsa uprising against the Israeli occupation Halutz adopted a policy of extra-judicial executions of Palestinian political and resistance activists. The harvest of this manifestly criminal policy was the brutal death of thousands of people many of whom it was later proven were totally innocent.

Halutz also instructed Israeli soldiers to shoot Palestinian children and civilians knowingly and deliberately whenever the soldiers thought that the civilians posed the slightest threat to their safety. It is believed that as many as a thousand Palestinian children and minors were killed as a result of this haphazard policy.

A classical example of this murderous mode of operation was the murder of an 11-year-old school girl from Rafah Iman al Hams who was brutally murdered by an Israeli army soldier in 2004 as she was walking to her school.

The soldier having shot the girl several times then proceeded to verify the kill by shooting her from a close distance twenty more times.

Far from regretting the grisly crime Halutz eventually instructed an Israeli military tribunal to give the killer financial compensations amounting to tens of thousands of dollars as punitive damages.

In June 2006 following the capture by Palestinian guerillas of an Israeli soldier Halutz ordered an all-out military campaign against the Gaza Strip. During the bloody campaign Israeli warplanes and artillery wantonly attacked Palestinian homes and neighborhoods annihilating entire families.

Similarly the Israeli air force destroyed the only power station in Gaza last year causing death and misery to hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians including neonatal babies who died  because their incubators stopped working following the power stoppage.

This is of course in addition to the policy of shooting innocent Palestinians such as women on their way to hospital college students on their way to school and workers and other ordinary people at roadblocks and checkpoints.

And in Lebanon Halutz committed even more horrible war crimes. Indeed toward the end of the war of last year he ordered his army to drop 2000000-3000000 million cluster bombs or bomblets all over Lebanon with the apparent intent to kill and maim as many Lebanese children as possible.

As a result of this war crime Lebanese children continue to die nearly on a daily basis as a result of the explosion of these ubiquitous explosives.

These are only a few examples of the war crimes committed under Halutz’ command which makes him a war criminal not unlike any Nazi war criminal.

Halutz was not merely carrying out orders as many war criminals would argue when brought before a war crime tribunal. He was giving orders to commit these crimes and he fully understood the implications of his acts which makes him even more indictable.

In short the man is clearly a reptile terrorist a war criminal and a child killer. And as such he should never  be allowed to sit down or be in the company of respectable people. Dan Halutz belongs behind bars not on the campus of Harvard University.

His presence at one of the world’s finest schools is a stigma of shame for Harvard and the entire academic community in the United States.

It is for these reasons that the Harvard administration is called upon to immediately eject this vile criminal who has tons of innocent blood on his hands from the University.

Yes Harvard receives grants and financial contributions from pro-Israeli donors. However Harvard should never give the impression that its ethics and moral principles are on sale for the highest bidder?

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