Thu 19-September-2024

Haneyya: Adhan ban bill will not pass

Friday 10-March-2017

Ismail Haneyya Deputy Head of Hamas’s Political Bureau said on Friday that the Israeli bill to ban the Adhan in the mosques of the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories and Jerusalem is “a failed decision that will not pass”.

In a speech he delivered at the opening of a mosque in the northern Gaza Strip Haneyya affirmed that the Arab and Palestinian peoples will not allow this bill to pass. He also praised the Mourabiteen (defenders) of al-Aqsa Mosque who have foiled the Israeli scheme of temporal and spatial division of the Mosque.

Haneyya praised the Palestinian people of the 1948 occupied territories and their efforts in resisting the Israeli bill.

He added “The mosques which were bombed by Israel in the Gaza Strip still raise the Adhan despite destruction.”

The Hamas leader stressed that harming the Islamic faith and holy sites will trigger angry reactions against Israel noting that endorsing the bill at the first reading in the Israeli Knesset will be the preliminary stage of removing the occupation.

In a related development Haneyya said that he phoned the father of martyr Basel al-Araj this morning pointing out that the Palestinian people in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem are moving forward in achieving their hopes.

He emphasized that al-Araj is a Palestinian hero who fought his own battle which dimensions have exceeded his village al-Walaja and reached to further parts of Palestine and the Arab nation.

Haneyya sent greetings to Father Manuel Musallam member of the Islamic-Christian Committee to Defend Holy Sites for his strong stands and his call for halting the security coordination between Israel and the Palestinian Authority noting that this reflects the true positions of the Palestinian Christians toward the Israeli occupation.

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