Sat 5-October-2024

EU missions condemn Israeli demolitions in occupied West Bank

Wednesday 22-February-2017

The European Union (EU) missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah Wednesday deplored the continuing Israeli demolitions of Palestinian structures in the occupied West Bank.

The EU missions expressed in a statement their growing concerns over the escalated pace of Israeli demolition orders targeting Palestinian structures in Khan al-Ahmar and a school which serves five local communities issued in the occupied West Bank on February 19.

So far in 2017 218 Palestinians have been displaced due to demolitions confiscations and evictions of 135 structures in Area C only. More than half of the displaced persons were children.

In East Jerusalem 63 people (among whom 31 children) have been displaced due to demolitions confiscations and evictions of 31 structures in 2017.

During last year 6088 Palestinians were affected by 872 demolitions in Area C among whom 1663 were children. Humanitarian structures provided by the EU or EU Member States worth approximately EUR 536000 were also destroyed or confiscated.

EU humanitarian activities are carried out in full accordance with the international humanitarian law with the sole aim of providing humanitarian support to the most vulnerable population said the EU missions statement.

The EU missions called on the Israeli authorities to halt demolitions of Palestinian houses and property in accordance with its obligations as an occupying power under the international humanitarian law and to cease its illegal settlement activity.

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