Thu 19-September-2024

Haaretz: Millions of shekels spent on illegal W. Bank outposts

Tuesday 21-February-2017

Haaretz newspaper said the Israeli government channeled millions of dollars for the development of infrastructure in illegal outposts in the occupied West Bank.

According to a report published by the newspaper on Monday the government provided over 11 million shekels (three million dollars) between 2008 and 2014 for outposts in the so-called Mateh Binyamin regional council which provides municipal services for illegal settlements and entities in the West Bank.

Part of the money was used for projects in the outposts of Mitzpe Dani Harasha Giv’at Har’el Keeda and Kerem Ray’eem in Jordan Valley.

Another five million shekels were spent on the wastewater disinfection project for Ofra settlement northeast of Ramallah. The project was established on annexed Palestinian-owned land.

According to a financial report published on the website of the Mateh Binyamin regional council the government also funded projects in Shvut Rachel settlement when it used to be an outpost before legalizing it.

Haaretz however said that the actual amounts of money those illegal outposts had received were larger than what came in the regional council’s financial report affirming that the report excluded spending data for those outposts in 2015 and 2016.

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