Mon 8-July-2024

AL: Judaization projects in O. Jerusalem “war crimes”

Thursday 16-February-2017

The Arab League has condemned Israel’s intent to carry out new Judaization projects in Occupied Jerusalem as “tantamount to war crimes under international law.”

This came in a press release issued on Wednesday by the Arab League’s Department of Palestine and the Occupied Arab Territories.

The department warned in its statement of Israel’s plan to expand its rail lines from Tel Aviv to west Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque’s western wall area and to establish an elevator going between al-Sharaf neighborhood and the western wall at the pretext of facilitating the movement of Jewish settlers and foreign tourists to the area.

The department also accused Israel of stepping up its pressure on the Jerusalemite Palestinians in every aspect of their daily life to force them to leave the holy city through systematically demolishing their homes banishing them imposing heavy taxes and penalties on them and withdrawing their IDs.

It affirmed that Israel’s violations against Jerusalem its natives and the Aqsa Mosque systematically increased according to pre-planned schemes stressing the need to prosecute Israel at an international court over its practices which it described as “war crimes.”

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