Fri 20-September-2024

Report: 11 citizens kidnapped during current week by PA security

Thursday 16-February-2017

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces kidnapped 11 Palestinian citizens during the current week in the context of its security collaboration with the Israeli occupation.

According to a report released by the official website of Hamas those detainees included four university students and six citizens who had spent several years in Israeli jails.

In Nablus elements from the PA preventive security apparatus kidnapped Sa’ied Bilal a student at an-Najah University and a member of the Islamic Bloc in addition to the ex-detainees Abdul-Rahman Akuba and Hudaifa Salama.

In Tulkarem PA security men kidnapped another ex-detainee called Hikmat Odeh from Saida town after he participated in a reception held for a prisoner released from an Israeli jail.

In Tubas the PA intelligence apparatus summoned on Wednesday journalist Abdullah Bani Odeh for interrogation.

Another journalist called Sami al-Sa’ie has been in a PA prison in Ariha (Jericho) for about two weeks without indictment or trial.

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