Fri 20-September-2024

Netanyahu likely to be indicted over corruption claims

Saturday 11-February-2017

The Israeli police might recommend that premier BenjaminNetanyahu should be indicted following an investigation into bribery claims leveledagainst him Israel’s Channel 2 has reported.

Multiple investigations into his corruption scandals werealready opened but Case 1000 which involves receiving illegal gifts wasbeing treated as separate to the other ongoing investigations.

The Channel reported that the investigation into Case 1000was to be closed with a recommendation to file an indictment against the premierin the next six weeks.

Netanyahu was reportedly questioned three times before aspart of the investigation. He is expected to be interviewed once more beforethe probe closes regarding this case.

He is accused of accepting tens of thousands of dollars ingifts from wealthy businessmen.

Details of the probes into Netanyahu’s charges have been scarce andit was reported in June that the chief of the Israeli police Roni Alsheikh haddemanded they be conducted in total secrecy.

Investigators are also reportedly looking into allegations thatNetanyahu had accepted €1 million from Arnaud Mimran a French businessmancurrently serving eight years in prison for committing a large-scale carbon-taxfraud.

During his trial Mimran claimed to have given money to Netanyahuduring the 2009 Israeli election campaign but the latter has consistentlydenied this claim and said he accepted $40000 from him in 2001.

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