Thu 17-October-2024

Arab MKs meet EU ambassadors brief them on Israel’s violations

Thursday 26-January-2017

Arab Knesset members on Wednesday met with ambassadors of the European Union (EU) states to brief them on Israel’s racist practices against the Palestinian citizens in Arab areas inside the Green Line.

At the EU commission headquarters in Tel Aviv the ambassadors listened to a report on the unjust and arbitrary measures and practices pursued by the authorities against the Arabs in Israel.

MK Aida Touma stated that different related issues including the racist discrimination against the Palestinians in all aspects of life were tabled during the meeting that was attended by 28 European ambassadors.

Israel’s systematic demolition policy used against Palestinian homes especially the recent destruction of homes in Qalansuwa town and Umm Hiran village was also highlighted during the meeting she said.

Quds Press quoted Touma as saying that the meeting was aimed at keeping the international community informed of the latest aggressive campaign that was launched by the Israeli government against the Arabs in Israel in particular and the racist incitement and discrimination practiced against them in general.

“This step is part of moves to be taken by the Palestinian leaders inside the Green Line to confront the lies Israel propagates abroad to defame the Palestinian struggle and reveal what really happens on the ground” the Knesset member said.

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