Fri 20-September-2024

Large march to be organized within the Green Line

Saturday 21-January-2017

The Higher Arab Monitoring Committee called for mass participation in the large march to be held Saturday in Arara village southwest of the Triangle in protest against Israel’s demolition policy.

The march will be a loud cry against Israel and its racist demolition policy the committee said.

Numerous events and protests have been organized over the past two days throughout the Green Line following the Israeli demolition of eight houses in Um al-Hiran town in Negev.

Following Friday prayers more than two thousand people gathered on the ruins of the demolished houses in Umm al-Hiran headed by Sheikh Raed Salah leader of the Islamic Movement within the Green Line.

During the protest Sheikh Salah warned the Israeli authorities that the escalation of Israeli measures against the Palestinians within the Green Line will generate an explosion describing the demolition of Palestinian houses as “terrorism”.

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