Fri 20-September-2024

Israeli journalist fired for criticising Bedouin village demolition

Thursday 19-January-2017

Israeli Army radio fired a journalist for a Facebook post criticizing the Israeli demolition of Um al-Hiran village in Negev on Wednesday.

Khen Elmaleh was dismissed by Army Radio Commander Yaron Deckel after publishing a Facebook status sympathetic to a Bedouin driver whose car allegedly struck and killed 34-year-old police officer Erez Levy.

“I would also run over a police officer if I were being removed from my home in order to make room for a town built for those more powerful than me” she wrote.

Elmaleh was referring to the Israeli police shooting of Yaqub Musa Abu Qi’an a resident of the village of Um al-Hiran in the Negev.

The incident occurred in the early hours of Wednesday morning as Israeli police forces demolished eight homes in the village.

Israeli government ordered plans to replace the Bedouin with a Jewish settlement. Police claimed they opened fire on Abu Qi’an after he drove his vehicle toward one of its officers.

After he fired Elmaleh Army Radio Commander Yaron Deckel tweeted that those who support running over police have no place in the radio station. Elmaleh eventually deleted the status of her own accord.

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