Fri 20-September-2024

Netanyahu to be questioned for the third time this week

Tuesday 10-January-2017

Israeli media revealed on Tuesday that Israeli Police are going to question Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the third time this week over corruption charges.

Opposition leader Isaac Herzog on Monday asked the Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit to strip Netanyahu of his position as communications minister.

Herzog said if Netanyahu is not removed the Zionist Union will file a petition with the Supreme Court in 48 hours.

Israeli media sources unveiled over the past couple of days reports on Netanyahu’s conversations with Yediot Ahronot’s publisher Noni Mozes trying to reach a deal in order to put an end to the critics and attacks brought against him.

Police are also investigating Netanyahu for allegations that he accepted expensive cigars and gourmet meals in an illegal manner from businessmen. Police questioned Netanyahu under caution for a total of eight hours in two sessions last week regarding both cases.

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