Fri 20-September-2024

Israel responses to J’lem attack with mass punitive measures

Monday 9-January-2017

The Israeli security cabinet on Sunday sanctioned several mass punitive measures against Palestinians in response to the vehicle-ramming attack in Occupied Jerusalem.

According to Israel’s Channel 7 the security cabinet decided to impose an all-out siege on Jabel Mukaber neighborhood in Jerusalem demolish the house of the driver who carried out the attack as soon as possible and deny the release of his body.

The cabinet also gave immediate orders to the security services to detain and investigate anyone found praising or celebrating the attack.

It also gave permission for security agencies to administratively jail anyone who expresses support for ISIS after the attacker was accused by the Israeli security authorities of showing support for this terror group.

These measures were taken after Fadi al-Qunbar a 28-year-old father of four from the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber rammed his truck into a group of Israeli soldiers near Armon Hanatziv settlement.

Four soldiers were killed and at least 15 others suffered different injuries in the attack which was hailed by the Palestinian resistance as “heroic” and “a natural response to Israel’s daily violations and crimes against the Palestinian people their land and holy sites.”

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