Sat 26-October-2024

What are Hamas’s messages on its 31st anniversary?

Tuesday 18-December-2018

Hamas celebrated its thirty-first anniversary with the participation of a large crowd that observers said was the largest in the Movement’s rallies in recent years.

According to two observers on the anniversary of its 31st anniversary Hamas succeeded in sending its important messages.

The Hamas rally carried a number of messages which delivered Hamas’s point of view regarding its management of events and its ability to emerge from crises like a phoenix out of ashes and pain.

Writer and political analyst Iyad Al-Qara commented on the Hamas rally by saying: “The crowd surprised everyone and confirmed that Hamas is still surrounded by mass public support despite the difficult situation.”

In an exclusive statement to the Palestinian Information Center al-Qara said that Hamas through the mass rally wanted to prove that it is still present with a big majority.

He pointed out that the crowd has sent several multi-dimensional messages including what is related to confronting the Israeli occupation’s media claims that Hamas had lost popular support and that Hamas is isolated and that the Palestinian public rejects it following the Great March of Return. He pointed out that Hamas wanted to say that it is still present and strong.

Al-Qara pointed to the existence of a political message that Hamas wanted to convey regarding national unity as pointed by its leader Ismail Haneyya’s speech.

He said that Hamas and its focus on the West Bank showed the existence of a plan to activate resistance in the West Bank as seen in the most recent attacks by Na’alwa and Barghouthi and that they are able to bear the consequences of that and that there is a new stage set to start in the West Bank.

As for Hamas’s message to Israel it took different forms whether through the military parade or through the speech of Haneyya who spoke clearly of the defeat of Israel in the recent confrontation in reference to the recent Khan Younis failed operation. He sent a clear message in this regard that any new Israeli attempt will be met with a strong response.

He explained that Hamas wanted to deliver another message that the Israeli home front is exposed and that Hamas will hurt it in the event of any future Israeli attack. He further pointed out that the factions’ unified speech was strong and reflected the growing relations between Hamas and other factions.

In his turn analyst and specialist Mahmoud Mardawi said that Hamas sent through its rally clear and explicit messages that it is strong and ready and present and did not retreat despite all the sacrifices.

As for the messages of Hamas at the internal level Mardawi said in his statement to the PIC that it wanted to deliver a message that it cares about its popular base and that it gives it a great attention.

On the political level he pointed out that Hamas presented a national speech to all Palestinians namely that the political arena is large enough for all.

Mardawi said that Hamas sent a message to the Palestinian Authority in order for the whole Palestinian position to be unified by either reaching mutual understanding among the Secretaries General of all factions or organizing elections or forming a government to implement all the agreements agreed upon under the supervision of Egypt or any other Arab country.

“The Hamas rally carried a series of messages the first of which was mass mobilization and the power of organization” said writer and political activist Hossam al-Dajni. “It seems like that it wants to tell the world that people’s disengagement from resistance will not be done by any means.”

The second message Hamas wanted to convey was the message of its armed potentials pointing out that Hamas succeeded through its parade to send political messages in military shape.

He explained that the most important political message of Hamas was to the President of the Authority Mahmoud Abbas in connection with the call for elections pointing out that Hamas threw the ball in the court of Abu Mazen.

With regard to Hamas’s message to the occupation Dajani pointed out that the Movement wanted to show that the resistance has a lot of options and that the struggle is continuing between the security services of the resistance and the Israeli occupation even when the situation is calm.

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