Sat 21-September-2024

MP Abu Tir: Israel’s demolitions “a massacre against the Palestinians”

Thursday 6-December-2018

Palestinian lawmaker Mohamed Abu Tir an exile from Jerusalem has said that Israel’s persistence in its demolition policy in the occupied Palestinian territories is a “new mass massacre committed against the Palestinians in full view of the whole world.”

In press remarks MP Abu Tir affirmed that Israel’s demolition policy is aimed at making the Palestinian people strangers on their land and changing the demographic reality on the ground.

He accused the Israeli occupation state of seeking to Judaize everything on the Palestinian land including the holy sites and landmarks with the help of the American administration.

He stressed that Israel’s recent widespread demolition of Palestinian real estate in Occupied Jerusalem and its environs were launched to empty the holy city of its native population to pave the way for its settlement and Judaization plans.

He urged all pro-Palestine legal and humanitarian institutions and media outlets to highlight and expose the mass demolitions taking place in Jerusalem.

The lawmaker also called on the Palestinian Authority to assume its responsibility in this regard.

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