Sat 5-October-2024

This is how Israel was established on falsehood and aggression

Friday 2-November-2018

A hundred and one year has passed since the notorious Balfour Declaration. A declaration made to those who do not deserve by those who do not own initiating the first stage of suffering of the Palestinian people over the last 101 years of displacement torture and massacres which resulted in the martyrdom of thousands of them.

The infamous Declaration under which the future of an entire people was destroyed for the benefit of a handful of Jews gathered from the corners of the globe to build a state called Israel on the ruins of Palestine and the ruins of its children and women including the victims of Deir Yassin Sabra and Shatila Kufur Kassem as well as the bloody massacres committed against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The text of the Declaration
The letter sent by the British Foreign Secretary in 1917 to Lord Rothschild one of the leaders of the Zionist movement in that period later known as the Balfour Declaration was the first step taken by the West to establish a Jewish entity on the soil of Palestine. The British government made a pledge to establish a Jewish state in Palestine in the letter.

This Declaration was issued before the beginning of the British Mandate in Palestine when the Jewish population was not more than 5% and was described as “the promise of those who do not own to those who do not deserve” and Britain did everything in its power to implement this declaration in Palestine.

Here is the text of the Declaration:

Foreign Office
November 2nd 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild

I have much pleasure in conveying to you on behalf of his Majesty’s Government the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to and approved by the Cabinet.

“His Majesty’s Government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely
Arthur James Balfour

Millions of Palestinians in the diaspora and liquidation attempts
The ill-reputed declaration by which the State of Israel was established and the Palestinians were forced to leave their land occupied in 1948 after 31 years of declaration statistics confirm that about six million Palestinians in the Diaspora suffer the scourge of exile and being away from their homeland.

The 101st anniversary of the notorious Declaration comes at a time of unprecedented dramatic steps to liquidate the Palestinian cause starting with settlement and land theft and the announcement by US President Donald Trump of occupied Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in addition to the siege imposed on Gaza and the devastating wars against it from time to time.

The US president is trying to liquidate the right of return by liquidating the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) trying to limit the number of refugees to 40000 and prevent the transfer of refugee status to refugee children and their descendants in addition to the desperate attempts to settle them down. It comes at a time the Jewish national state law was issued.

The anniversary of the Declaration comes in the context of the big rush of Arab regimes in the region towards normalization with Israel and suspicious attempts to recognize an entity called Israel in the Arab region as a natural entity and a major component of the region.

Observers say in press reports that the declaration of US President Donald Trump of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is the second face of the Balfour Declaration coin as the Balfour Declaration gave Palestine as a gift to the Jews while the master of the White House gave Jerusalem as a gift to Israel as an eternal capital.

The suffering of the Palestinian people continues with the passage of a century and a year since the ominous Declaration; the Palestinians are exposed in all places of their existence to injustice and oppression. Suffering and pain continue to be endured by the Palestinians in the hope that one day they will be allowed to return back to their usurped homeland.

In the besieged Gaza Strip the Palestinians are taking part on Friday 2/11/2018 in the 32nd week of the Great March of Return titled “We shall bring down the ominous Declaration.” Palestinians tell the whole world that there is no place for a Jewish homeland in Palestine and that Palestinians are longing for a long-awaited return and struggling for their right to live in dignity while they still live under a strict siege which brought much pain and suffering to them.

The Palestinian people in all areas of their presence at home and abroad mark the 101st anniversary of the Balfour Declaration demanding that Britain should apologize for it work to resolve the consequences it has wrought and help the Palestinians return to their homes.

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