Sat 5-October-2024

Palestinians to join mass Gaza protests over notorious Balfour pledge

Friday 2-November-2018

The Higher National Commission of the Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege has called on the Palestinian masses to join the large-scale rallies set to be staged on Friday 101 years after the notorious Balfour Declaration saw the day.

The commission said in a Thursday statement that Friday’s protests seek to confirm Palestinians’ commitment to their inalienable rights most notably the right of return which has been thwarted by the Balfour promise.

The commission reiterated its calls for upholding non-violent rallies and standing on guard to the Israeli snipers on the Gaza border.

The commission said the rallies also come in response to the simmering Israeli terrorism against the Palestinians and also to draw the world’s attention to the ceaseless Israeli crimes against peaceful Palestinian protesters.

At the same time the commission hailed the pro-Palestine efforts made by the Egyptian delegates who have recently popped in the besieged Gaza enclave.

Since March 30 thousands of Palestinians have taken part in the Great March of Return protests staged on the Gaza borders so as to speak up for Palestinians’ right of return and push for lifting the oppressive Israeli siege.

At least 228 Palestinian civilians among them children have been fatally gunned down by Israeli snipers near Gaza’s border fence. 10 slain protesters have had their bodies withheld by the occupation authorities. As many as 22000 others have been left injured including hundreds whose condition has been dubbed extremely critical.

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