Fri 20-September-2024

Israel army rolls into Wadi Maleh cracks down on Palestinians

Tuesday 2-October-2018

The Israeli occupation forces at nightfall Monday stormed Wadi al-Maleh in the northern Jordan Valley and subjected Palestinian civilians to exhaustive questioning.

Local sources told PIC that Israeli soldiers cordoned off Ein al-Hilweh and Umm Jamal communities in Wadi al-Maleh moments before they started interrogating Palestinian civilians and jotting down their personal data.

Activist Aref Daraghma strongly condemned the Israeli crackdowns against Palestinian locals in the northern Jordan Valley which he said have no legitimate ground.

The Israeli army considers Wadi al-Maleh as part of its closed military zones in the occupied West Bank and routinely assaults Palestinian farmers shepherds and civilians under the security guise. Palestinians living in the area are denied their basic rights including free movement and access to life-saving facilities.

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