Sat 5-October-2024

Hamas: Abbas’ UN speech stab in Palestinians’ back

Friday 28-September-2018

Hamas dubbed Mahmoud Abbas’s speech to the United Nations General Assembly delivered on Thursday evening a redundant reverberation of his unproductive policies regarding the Palestinian cause and anti-occupation struggle.

In his speech Abbas just repeated his demands to the international community complained about the negligence of the U.S. administration and its bias and expressed his disappointment over the refusal of the Israeli occupation to fulfill its due commitments pledged in PA-Israel agreements that led to catastrophic consequences on the Palestinian cause Hamas said in a statement.

The movement said Abbas’ speech is an explicit announcement of the failure of his policies and a straightforward confession that settlement path will never bring about just solutions or any other accomplishment for the Palestinian people.

Regarding his question about the borders of the Israeli occupation Abbas would have posed the same question before entering into Oslo Accords and recognizing the Israeli Occupation added Hamas.

According to the resistance movement Abbas overlooked the Great Return March in his speech and the great sacrifices the Palestinian people has made to resist the occupation. He also turned his back on the Gaza Strip and its people in his words before the General Assembly.

Abbas deepens the Palestinian rift paves the way for the Israeli occupation to perpetrate more crimes and killings and facilitates the implementation of the deal of the century the movement warned.

The confirmation of Mahmoud Abbas that he is committed to the negotiations with the Israeli occupation after hundreds of rounds and conferences held to that end is just a reverberation of failure and an out-of-charge chance of which the occupation will always take advantage to expand its illegal settlements judaize Islamic holy sites and infringe the Palestinian right of return by dismantling UNRWA the statement read.

Hamas noted that while all of the above violations are currently in place Mahmoud Abbas maintains security collaboration with the Israeli occupation and steps up crackdowns both the Palestinian resistance and people.

Hamas strongly condemned Abbas’ designation of the Palestinian resistance as “terrorist militias” while standing before the UNGA saying it is a “sharp stab” to the Palestinian people.

Hamas said Abbas used a UN platform to announce his isolation of the Gaza Strip and the launch of new punitive measures. Such threats endanger the Palestinian reconciliation. Abbas should have rather announced a decision to lift the sanctions imposed on the Gaza Strip. We do hold Abbas responsible for the upshots of his measures against the besieged enclave.

In light of the aforementioned challenges Hamas said it believes that it is necessary for Abbas to repudiate the Oslo Accord which has inflicted overwhelming repercussions on the Palestinian people. In addition Abbas should reconsider the unilateral policy he is pursuing and listen to the Palestinian people and factions.

Hamas added that Abbas should work on reuniting the Palestinian people and rearranging the internal political scene on the basis of a real partnership aiming to retrieve Palestinian rights. To those ends Hamas maintained all forms of security cooperation with the Israeli occupations should be immediately brought to a halt.

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