Sat 5-October-2024

Israeli outrage over Joint List’s move to condemn Israel at UN

Monday 27-August-2018

An initiative of Arab Knesset members from the Joint List to condemn Israel at the UN General Assembly caused great anger among Israeli MKs Israeli media sources reported.

According to Israel Hayom news site Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein responded to the report saying that “‎once again Arab MKs seek to undermine the ‎State of Israel. Joint Arab List MKs who are paid ‎by the state and are afforded every parliamentary ‎instrument have the gall to cooperate with the ‎enemy and slander Israel worldwide.”‎

‎”Those who collaborate with the Palestinian ‎Authority against Israel have to ask themselves ‎where they belong: the Israeli parliament or the ‎Palestinian one.”‎

Likud MK Yoav Kisch said Joint Arab List MKs have ‎‎”crossed the line” and called on the Knesset’s ‎Ethics Committee to revise its regulations to allow it to harshly penalize MKs who act ‎against the state. ‎

Opposition Leader Tzipi Livni (Zionist Union) said ‎the Opposition “must stand against the Arab ‎MKs’ attempt to undermine Israel by promoting its ‎censure at the U.N. We will vehemently oppose anyone who strives to ‎undermine Israel’s existence as the Jewish nation-state or its democratic character.”

Earlier Monday Arab members of the Israeli Knesset of the Joint Arab List declared intention to present a resolution at the United Nations to condemn the Nationality Law in coordination with Palestinian representative to the UN Riyad Mansour.

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