Fri 20-September-2024

Steadfastness of another kind

Sunday 26-August-2018

A wonderful scene was witnessed in the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque as hundreds of Palestinian children rejoiced from the bottom of their hearts playing in the yards of Al-Aqsa Mosque on the first and second days of Eid al-Adha.

The Islamic Heritage Committee distributed toys balloons and puppets while Al-Sanabel Artistic Band performed its delightful performances that captured the hearts of the children who gathered to celebrate.

Loving Al-Aqsa
Jerusalemites agreed this Eid to close the playgrounds and amusement parks where children usually play and suggested sending them to the yards of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and invited the masses and families to pray in the yards of Al-Aqsa and to eat sweets and drink Arabic coffee where huge celebrations for children took place.

The scene was confusing to the Israeli occupation forces which used to see Palestinian citizens coming to Al-Aqsa Mosque to pray Eid and return to their homes but on this Eid they turned the mosque into a place of joy happiness and pleasure for the families and children with celebrations continuing until the Asr prayer. They returned to Al-Aqsa in the second day of Eid to participate in competitions listen to the artistic bands and watch the clowns.

Haj Mustafa Abu Zahra 77 a member of the Supreme Islamic Committee and one of the notables of the city of Jerusalem said: “We wanted these celebrations to cultivate the love of Al-Aqsa in the hearts of children and to make them used to frequent Al-Aqsa and to celebrate there.”

Abu Zahra said in an interview with the PIC: “The squares of Al-Aqsa are vast and spacious and some think that they are for prayers only. We wanted these celebrations to convey a message to our people that whoever wants to enjoy the calm atmosphere should come to Al-Aqsa. Those who want to make their children happy during the Eid should bring them to Al-Aqsa and whoever wants to hold his marriage should come to Al-Aqsa.”

Saadia Al-Kiswani Um Muhammad said that the joy of Eid and children and organizing celebrations for them in the yards of Al-Aqsa is refreshing and a step in the right direction.

She said in an interview with the PIC: “We came with our children and grandchildren. I came with my fifteen grandchildren and their mothers from Ras al-Amud Wadi al-Jawz and Silwan and they are happy and we are celebrating Eid for the second day in a row.”

Artistic shows
Al-Sanabel Artistic Band participated in bringing joy to the children through its performances parties competitions and prizes.

The children chanted Eid songs with the band dressed in masquerade sang and rejoiced and ate sweets that were distributed for free.

Khaled Al-Salwani a member of Al-Sanabel Artistic Band known to children as “Hanakoush” made children happy telling them the story of ‘Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves’ illustrating to them through his hat that the 40 thieves are Israeli settlers explaining to them how he managed to overcome the settlers along with his friends as the laughter of children was heard.

Al-Salwani said in a special interview with the PIC: “We mark the traditional celebrations during the Eid and we introduce joy during those celebrations and events making people celebrate and feel happy. We make tens of thousands of dollars per night by doing these performances. But when The Islamic Heritage Committee asked us to commemorate the Eid celebrations in the squares of Al-Aqsa Mosque to delight the children during the Eid and to tease the Israeli occupation we accepted their invite with pleasure for two days and for free.”

The Islamic Heritage Committee and the Supreme Islamic Commission have called for the revival of Eid celebrations in the squares of Al-Aqsa Mosque during Eid al-Adha.

Donors from inside the Occupied Territories of 1948 and merchants from Jerusalem technical teams and scouts supported and donated for these celebrations by distributing sweets drinks prizes and children’s gifts and toys. The occupation forces tried to disturb the celebrations and disperse the masses but their steadfastness and solidarity made the celebrations a success.

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