Fri 20-September-2024

Haneyya congratulates Tamimi Abu Surur on release from Israeli jail

Friday 3-August-2018

Hamas chief Ismail Haneyya congratulated Ahed Tamimi and Yasmeen Abu Surur who have been recently released from Israeli jails.

Reaching out to Ahed and Yasmeen by phone Haneyya expressed his deep pride of the self-determination and iron will shown by the two girls all the way through their incarceration in Israeli jails.

Haneyya also spoke to the family of slain Musbeh Abu Sbeih who carried out anti-occupation shooting attack in al-Sheikh Jarrah in Occupied Jerusalem and congratulated them on their son’s wedding.

Haneyya hailed all Palestinian protesters and activists who have been standing on guard to the Israeli conspiracies and aggressions against the Palestinian people land and holy sites.

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