Fri 20-September-2024

Ahed is free

Sunday 29-July-2018

The defiant Ahed Tamimi came out of prison despite the will of Israel returning to her stolen homeland to the struggle and revolution.

Ahed Tamimi an icon of resistance defeated the will of the Israeli occupation and its power defeated its arrogance acting as a David defeating Goliath.

“The resistance will continue” was the first sentence uttered by the free rebel as soon as she arrived in her town of Nabi Saleh near Ramallah which has a long history of resistance against the Israeli occupation.

The joy of Ahed for her release is incomplete she says adding: “In the prisons of the occupation there are other prisoners and my joy will be completed with the freedom of all Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli prisons.”

Her spirit was high hugging the mountains of Palestine. She was surrounded by her father family and loved ones as well as her mother who accompanied her for eight months in prison.

She told the crowd confidently: The prisoners are strong.

She returned to the town of Nabi Saleh despite the darkness of the prison. She tells the world today: I am returning free to the town of Nabi Saleh but we will return soon to all parts of Palestine.

Ahed has a long story of fighting against the Israeli occupation. She didn’t fear them while she was a little girl nor when she was a young woman nor will she ever give up her right to the land which has been stolen for 70 years now.

In the early years of her childhood she appeared in demonstrations condemning the Jewish settlements in her town while she rose as a star courageously defending the people of her town from the oppression of the occupation.

Her powerful words had a great impact as the occupation tried to silence her voice by arresting her for eight months but she came out of prison with her voice louder than that of the occupation.

The night of December 18 2017 was dark and full of details when the 17-year-old girl was arrested at the hands of 100 soldiers arriving in 20 military patrols to arrest her.

The Israeli court handed 12 charges to her most notably insulting soldiers obstructing their work incitement threats and participation in riot.

Following these charges an Israeli court sentenced her to 8 months in prison and a fine of 6000 NIS.

Ahed came out of the prisons of the occupation and her voice of revolution is stronger than that of the occupation.

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