Wed 3-July-2024

Marches in Indonesia Norway in support of Jerusalem

Saturday 9-June-2018

Thousands of Indonesians on Friday participated in mass demonstrations in support of Jerusalem and the Great March of Return in Gaza.

The demonstrators who marched in front of the US embassy in Jakarta held banners condemning the Israeli massacres committed against the Palestinian peaceful protesters of the Great March of Return.

They also burned Israeli flags and pictures of the US president Donald Trump and the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Meanwhile thousands from the Palestinian Arab and Muslim communities in Norway took to the streets to participate in a mass demonstration in Oslo organized by “Together for Jerusalem” group.

Head of the Palestinian Prisoner Society in Norway and Fatah official Mohammed Abu Saleh in a speech highlighted the historical and religious value of Jerusalem the eternal capital of the Palestinian state.

Abu Saleh affirmed that the struggle will continue until the restoration of all Palestinian rights and stressed the importance of spreading awareness round the world about the Palestinian cause.

He called on the Norwegian government to halt its economic relations with Israel and recognize the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

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