Wed 3-July-2024

Indonesia to allow tax-free Palestinian imports

Wednesday 23-May-2018

Indonesia has decided to open its markets for Palestinian products with zero import duty.

Indonesia’s Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita has said that his country will receive all kinds of goods from Palestine without imposing an import duty.

During a meeting with the Palestinian ambassador to Indonesia Zuhair al-Shun at the Ministry of Trade in Jakarta Lukita said that his country is also ready to export goods to the Palestinian markets based on their needs.

Head of the Fderation of Palestinian Chambers of Commerce Khalil Rezeq hailed Indonesia’s decision saying that it would strengthen the Palestinian economy by encouraging traders and factories to export their goods to Indonesia and creating new opportunities for investment.

Rezeq told Quds Press that the taxes imposed on Palestinian imports in other countries are a major obstacle to the export movement in addition to the restrictions imposed by Israel to strangle the Palestinian economy.

He affirmed that Palestinian factories are able to export goods that can compete internationally but the Israeli restrictions are the biggest challenge to the Palestinian trade and industry movement.

In another context Indonesia on Tuesday decided to ban Israeli citizens from entering the country in response to the latest Israeli massacre in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli occupation army on 14th May killed 65 Palestinians and injured 3188 while they were peacefully protesting the US embassy transfer to Jerusalem near Gaza’s eastern border fence.

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