Sat 5-October-2024

Israel names Jerusalem city square after Trump

Tuesday 8-May-2018

Just days before the opening of the new American embassy in Occupied Jerusalem the Jerusalem municipality officials renamed a city square after the US President Donald Trump in honor of his notorious December 6th declaration that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital.

The US embassy is set to be relocated from Tel Aviv to Occupied Jerusalem. The opening of the new embassy will take place on May 14th coinciding with the Nakba day when thousands of Palestinians were displaced from their homes and land.

On Tuesday Israel’s Mayor Nir Barkat signed off on the decision to name the spot “America Square in Honor of President Donald Trump”. The change had been earlier approved by Israel’s naming committee. A special ceremony will be held at the square following the opening of the new embassy.

“President Trump decided to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish people” claimed Barkat “and to stand on the side of history and truth and to do the right thing. Naming this square in honor of President Trump is Jerusalem’s way of showing our appreciation of the president and the people of the United States who stand by Israel’s side.”

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