Fri 20-September-2024

IOF seizes construction equipment in Khader town

Tuesday 8-May-2018

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Monday seized heavy construction equipment in the town of al-Khader west of Bethlehem in the West Bank at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Local official Ahmed Salah said that the Israel army’s civil administration confiscated a bulldozer and a concrete mixer from a construction site in al-Balou area of the town.

Salah told Quds Press that the civil administration claimed that Palestinian construction activities are forbidden in Area C of the West Bank which is under Israel’s security and administrative control and need special permits.

The Israeli occupation authority continues to prevent the Palestinian landowners from building on their own lands or demolish their homes in Area C which constitutes 60 percent of the West Bank as part of a series of measures aimed at forcing the native residents to leave the area to pave the way for more settlement projects for Jewish settlers.

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