Sat 5-October-2024

Hamas and PFLP meet in Gaza to discuss PNC meeting

Monday 7-May-2018

A meeting was held on Sunday between Hamas officials led by the head of the Movement’s Political Bureau Ismail Haneyya and members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in Gaza to discuss the latest Palestinian National Council (PNC) meeting.

According to a PFLP statement the meeting addressed the challenges facing the Palestinian people most importantly US president Donald Trump’s plan to liquidate the Palestinian cause.

The meeting also discussed the latest PNC meeting held on 30th April in Ramallah without national consensus and its repercussions on the efforts being exerted to achieve Palestinian reconciliation and reform the Palestine Liberation Organization in accordance with previously-signed national agreements.

Hamas and the PFLP stressed the need to convene a PNC that includes all Palestinian factions as soon as possible.

Both movements praised the sacrifices made by the Palestinian people in Gaza since the start of the Great March of Return which they described as an important form of popular resistance that must be maintained against the Israeli occupation.

The meeting was concluded by a call on all Palestinian factions to establish a unified and effective national strategy to break the decade-long blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip.

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