Mon 16-September-2024

Conference calls on Palestinian factions to boycott PNC meeting

Saturday 21-April-2018

General Secretariat of the Popular Conference of Palestinians Abroad on Friday called on Palestinian factions to boycott the upcoming meeting of the Palestinian National Council (PNC).

The Conference denounced the Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas’s insistence on holding the PNC meeting in Ramallah on 30th April ignoring the repeated calls to convene the PNC on the basis of the understandings reached in Beirut talks February 2017 outside the Palestinian territories will all factions included.

The General Secretariat in a statement hailed the Palestinian factions who decided not to attend the meeting held under Israeli sovereignty and “take into account the interests of the Palestinian people”.

The statement said that convening the PNC in Ramallah would lead to further split in the Palestinian arena stressing that the Palestinian cause needs national unity now more than ever to put an end to the conspiracies aimed at liquidating its central issues.

It also called for the reformation of the Palestine Liberation Organization in accordance with the National Charter of 1964 and the Palestinian Charter of 1968.

The Conference declared that any PNC meeting convened under Israeli authority is null and does not represent the real Palestine Liberation Organization.

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