Fri 20-September-2024

Sabri: Killing peaceful protesters crime against humanity

Wednesday 4-April-2018

Head of Jerusalem’s Higher Islamic Council Sheikh Ekrima Sabri on Tuesday called on human rights organizations to document the Israeli attack on Gaza’s Great March of Return in order to push the International Criminal Court to open an investigation into the massacre.

Sabri in a statement to the PIC described the Israeli army’s violent quelling of the peaceful march which left 16 Palestinian civilians dead and over 1500 injured as “insane” and “heinous crime against humanity”.

Sheikh Sabri slammed Israel’s rejection of the formation of an international investigation committee and strongly condemned Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s praise of the soldiers who committed the massacre.

Al-Aqsa preacher stressed that the international condemnations of Israel’s use of lethal force against unarmed protesters were only words that lacked serious actions toward putting an end to the Israeli crimes.

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