Sat 5-October-2024

Arabs Lose Directions and Lack Vision

Friday 16-March-2018

Nearly one hundred days has elapsed since US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel that was followed by international and Palestinian protests. Dozens of Palestinians were killed in those protests while hundreds were injured or arrested. In light of the mysterious so-called deal of the century the issue of the present and future Arab and regional position vis-à-vis this American step remains in question.

The official Arab and Palestinian political positions that reject American policies and the deal of the century are perceived by observers as a form of formality that is shameless ineffectual and meaningless. These positions cannot face up to the existing international challenges due to the prevailing fragmentation division and rift.

The PA and the deal of the century
Abdul Sattar Qassem Professor of Political Science in Nablus said in an interview with the PIC: “Part of the Palestinians have committed themselves to the salaries and funds that are being pumped by donor countries which come from outside and are given to them on the condition of becoming slaves of luxurious cars palaces and investments. This trend means that the Palestinian weak status will remain and Palestinians and Arabs will eventually bow to American and Zionist pressure and the deal of the century will see the light.”

Qassem revealed that the US administration according to the deal of the century is working “to establish a Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip and parts of the (Egyptian) Sinai and on the other hand gives the green light to the Judaization of Jerusalem and the West Bank by building more Jewish-only settlements.”

The Professor noted that the Palestinian Authority will acquiesce to the American pressure as it has always done since its establishment and it will not adhere to the Palestinian principles and rights noting that “The President of the Palestinian Authority did not express his official rejection of the deal of the century which is completely in favor of Israel. He will agree to the American conditions to establish a Palestinian state. These conditions don’t serve the Palestinian cause but rather maintain the security of the Zionist entity (Israel).”

Qassem stressed that the Authority will accept any state even without Jerusalem and with the existence of settlements due to the balance of power. Any future solution will be at the expense of the issue of refugees and Jerusalem said adding that the option of resistance and unity is the guarantor of the return of Palestinian rights.

Liquidation plan
In the same context Dr. Nashat al-Aktash professor of media at Birzeit University in Palestine confirmed that the conspiracy against the Palestinian cause and the harmony with the Zionists and Western projects had been in full swing for a century and there was a plan to liquidate the Palestinian cause on the part of the Arab countries both so-called revolutionary and liberal countries. Saudi Arabia agreed to the Zionist project in writing in 1936 and in the Levant in Syria Faisal II agreed to the Zionist project since the twenties and met with Chaim Weizmann on the beach of Aqaba.

Al-Aktash pointed out that “the Arab conspiracy on Jerusalem and lack of interest in it led to this end. Jerusalem today is almost taken by Israelis and the Zionist plan known as Jerusalem 2020 aims to exclude 300000 Palestinians from within the borders of the city by withdrawing their identities and only keeping 20% of the Palestinian population. Palestinians today suffer in Jerusalem by not granting them building permits in addition to the demolition of their homes. Imagine that three generations of Jerusalemites live in one room.”

He revealed that some Arab regimes sent brokers to buy real estate in Silwan and Bab al-Khalil in Jerusalem and resold them to Israeli settlers according to testimonies of Jerusalemites from occupied Jerusalem.

“Arab regimes are keen to build relations with the American administration to preserve their thrones and they realize that this relationship will only thrive by pleasing Israel and coordinating security issues with it. The Arab regimes the PA and the political parties did not offer anything to Palestine and Jerusalem. Today Arab regimes are negotiating the survival of their thrones in return for Jerusalem and the Palestinian constants and rights; hence relying on the existing Arab regimes is not a smart idea.”

Despite this sad situation experienced by the Arab world and the Palestinian issue in light of the American bias towards Israel Dr. Al-Aktash believes that “the best days for the issue of Palestine are these days because we got to know the real problem. For decades the Arab regimes and the Palestine Liberation Organization have been providing empty statements to anaesthetize the people in the name of revolution and liberation. They have deceived the people for about 100 years. But the people have awakened today and they know the truth and how they had been misused.”

Al-Aktash concluded by saying: “Be hopeful that the next five years will change many things. The Arab Spring which has failed will return and bring freedom and democracy. The liberation of Palestine is coming and imminent.”

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