Fri 25-October-2024

Haneyya: Gaza at “brink of explosion”

Tuesday 6-March-2018

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya has warned that the besieged Gaza Strip is on the brink of an explosion as a result of the extremely dire humanitarian situation which the population is suffering from.

“Everyone realizes today that Gaza has become a volcano ready for eruption but no one knows the consequences of this explosion as well as its impacts on the region in general” he told journalists from the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) and other media outlets following a meeting on Monday with leaders of Palestinian factions in Gaza.

Haneyya affirmed that the Hamas delegation highlighted during its recent visit to Cairo the difficult humanitarian conditions of the population in Gaza.

“During the meeting with the Egyptian minister of intelligence our brothers in Egypt affirmed that there was real awareness of the seriousness of the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and that there was a more dynamic orientation towards addressing the crises facing it whether through the Rafah crossing movement of goods or development projects.”

He also stated that Monday’s meeting with leaders of factions in Gaza addressed five files related to the Palestinian cause stressing that “such meetings fall within the context of a policy adopted by Hamas to strengthen inter-Palestinian cooperation and consultation between the national factions in view of the delicate period which the Palestinian cause is going through.”

He stated that Hamas clarified during its meeting with the factions the political files which its delegation to Cairo had tabled recently with Egyptian officials affirming that the delegation’s prolonged visit strengthened the bilateral relations and bridged the gap between Hamas and Egypt.

He added that Egypt appreciates the efforts made by the Palestinian security apparatuses in Gaza to secure the border between the two territories and sees Gaza as an important source to protect its national security.

As for the Palestinian reconciliation file Haneyya described it as “a strategic option that no one can evade” and said it needs a further boost.

He said that the reconciliation process started strongly during the past months pointing out that the recent meetings with Egyptian officials underlined the major steps that had been taken by Hamas in Gaza for the success of the reconciliation agreement with Fatah.

“On our part we have explained [to the Egyptians] what we offered for the reconciliation especially with regard to the dissolution of the administrative committee the handover of crossings and revenue collection the entry of the government and its ministers to Gaza the return of 3000 previous civil servants.”

“I believe that we need our brothers in Ramallah to make a bolder decision leading to a real initiative that reflects a genuine will to achieve the reconciliation and end the division because the time today has become like a sword hanging over everyone’s necks” the Hamas official said.

He noted that the visiting Egyptian delegation in Gaza engaged in conducting extensive contacts with all factions including Hamas and Fatah asserting that his Movement “is pushing hard for the success of its mission.”

“Our brothers in Egypt as mediators are keen on the [Palestinian] reconciliation and we have presented our side of the story and the facts that prove the credibility of Hamas regarding the reconciliation.”

Talking about the US-backed deal of the century Haneyya stressed that any plan targeting the Palestinian rights would be doomed to failure adding that Hamas supports any position rejecting this deal.

“Any position to be taken by brother Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) opposing the deal of the century and upholding the constants of the Palestinian cause especially with regard to Jerusalem and the right of return we will definitely give it our support” he underscored.

He noted that the Hamas leadership clearly called upon the factions during its meeting with them to confront this deal with a unified Palestinian position backed by an Arab stance.

“Relying on their Arab and Islamic depth our people will not allow [this deal] to take place and we heard the position of our brothers in Egypt in this regard” he stated further.

Last month a high-level delegation from Hamas led by Haneyya visited Egypt and stayed there for about three weeks during which it discussed with senior local officials important issues including the humanitarian situation in Gaza the inter-Palestinian reconciliation and the mutual relations.

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