Fri 20-September-2024

3 Jerusalemites sentenced to years in prison over alleged attack

Monday 5-March-2018

An Israeli court on Sunday issued different sentences against three Jerusalemites after accusing them of carrying out a shooting attack against Israeli soldiers.

Head of the committee of families of Jerusalemite prisoners Amjad Abu Asab told Quds Press that the Jerusalem District Court sentenced Mohammed Deisi to six years and a half in prison while his brother was sentenced to three years and a half.

The same court issued a six-year sentence against a third detainee named Saad ed-Din Zghair according to Abu Asab.

Abu Asab added that different fines were also imposed on the three detainees who were accused by the court of forming a military cell and shooting at Israeli soldiers.

He pointed out that the three youths are residents of Kafr Aqab town north of Occupied Jerusalem and they have been held in Israeli jails for about a year.

In a related context the lawyer of the Palestinian Prisoner Society Mufid al-Haj said that the Israeli Magistrate’s Court decided on Sunday to release the Jerusalemite Mona Derbas on bail and on condition of house arrest until 9th March while her husband Arafat Derbas was released unconditionally.

Meanwhile the court decided to extend the detention of their son Yahya Derbas 17 until 6th March.

The Derbas family were arrested from their house in al-Isawiya village northeast of Jerusalem on Saturday night.

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