Sat 21-September-2024

Netanyahu defies police charges saying he will not step down

Thursday 15-February-2018

Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu last Tuesday night said that he would not resign and would cling to his position blatantly defying police recommendations that he be charged with bribery fraud and breach of trust.

Netanyahu scoffed at the police accusations against him calling them “biased extreme and full of holes like Swiss cheese.”

“Those recommendations have no legal value in a democratic country” he claimed.

“our government will finish its term and I am sure that in the next elections (due in 2019) I will again win your confidence” he added addressing Israelis in a televised speech.

“Over the years I have been the subject of at least 15 enquiries and investigations. Some have ended with thunderous police recommendations like those of tonight. All of those attempts resulted in nothing and this time again they will come to nothing” he said.

Earlier on the same day the Israeli police said in a statement they were recommending Netanyahu’s indictment on bribery fraud and breach of public trust.

However a decision on whether to press formal corruption charges against him now rests with attorney general Avichai Mandelblit who may take weeks or months before making up his mind about Netanyahu’s political future.

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