Fri 4-October-2024

Nikki Haley sacrifices moral integrity for political ambitions

Saturday 3-February-2018

I am quite sure that deep in her heart U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nicky Haley disdains her boss Donald Trump viewing him with utter contempt.

Haley reportedly used to have some moral principles and occasionally advocated certain moral causes.

But what made the daughter of an Indian immigrant grovel so cheaply so dramatically and so submissively at Trump’s feet effectively giving up any semblance of honesty and moral integrity as we saw recently in her ignominious behavior during the UN discussion of the Palestinian issue especially Trump’s impetuous recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital?

Contrary to Trump who is almost conspicuously ignorant Haley looks smart and educated. Hence her moral downfall is clarion and scandalous.

Haley was a focal critic of Trump until several years ago but when Trump’s star started to rise leading up to him getting elected as President of the United States she began undergoing a downturn moral metamorphosis which more or less eventually reduced her to a political prostitute par excellence.

I am not concerned at all about media insinuations pertaining to her alleged extramarital affair with the White House bull.

But I am concerned about her dishonest public discourse which is bound to affect me and undermine the survival future and interests of my people.

For example in her pathetic defense of the scandalous decision by her boss (or current lover) to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the apartheid Israeli regime Haley claimed that the decision was legitimate since it represented the collective will of the American people.

But since when was the legitimacy or moral validity of a given decision or certain policy contingent upon the “collective will” of any country or nation-state powerful or otherwise? Besides one is prompted to ask: whose collective will would come first: The powerful and rich nations? Well then we would be talking about a jungle-world not a civilized world!

But even if Haley’s argument had some ostensible moral validity one might then argue that no government under the sun even if democratically elected has the right to dictate the future of other peoples and other countries with a strike of a pen or on the spur of the moment. There are far more important considerations such as justice human rights and international law than the flimsy concept of a collective will of a certain nation. Needless to say these principles were utterly ignored when Trump embarked on his fateful decree over Jerusalem which has further emboldened Israeli insolence intransigence hegemony and arrogance of power making peace in the Middle East more distant and more elusive than ever…

Adolph Hitler who by the way came to power via ballot boxes could have argued that his decision to affect a holocaust against Europe’s Jewry represented the collective will of the German nation and should therefore be accepted as legitimate without any reservation. Isn’t this Trump’s and Haley’s logic?

Haley apparently echoing her idiotic boss’ twisted logic argued that the Palestinians didn’t show respect for America by rejecting his provocative move over Jerusalem.

But what does “respect for America” exactly mean and imply? Indeed does Trump think that in return for receiving politically-motivated aid recipients would just give up their freedom sovereignty honor and self-respect? Well if some regimes would the Palestinian people wouldn’t.

More to the point one might wonder what does “respect for America” have to do with the enduring struggle of a virtually crushed people to survive the century-old blitz of Zio-Nazism a decidedly evil force seeking to obliterate the Palestinian people from their ancestral homeland on the ground that some Jewish tribes inhabited Palestine some 4000 years ago!!?

Moreover since when capitulation to tyranny oppression foreign military occupation racism and fascism was an expression of respect or gratitude especially for a country whose primary schools require school kids to memorize Patrick Henry’s iconic slogan “give me freedom or give me death.”?

There is no doubt that invoking “respect for America” by Trump and hangers-on to justify the illegal and immoral move on Jerusalem constitutes a contemptible abuse of the honorable concept of respect. Don’t these people around that fool have any iota of intellectualism?

The Palestinian people do respect and admire the people of the United States. But it is true this respect doesn’t and shouldn’t extend to the bulk of America’s political leaders who shamelessly sacrifice the values of justice equity simple fairness as well as respect for human rights and international law in order to appease their Zionist pimps at home or overseas.

Yes our respect wouldn’t encompass either the political whores like Trump. Haley and Pence or indeed their political pimps such as Netanyahu and his puppets in Congress who bow their heads in submission once AIPAC’s money appears!

– Khalid Amayreh is a veteran Palestinian journalist who received his college and post-graduate studies in the United States.

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