Sun 6-October-2024

Arab FMs meet again over US Jerusalem decision

Friday 2-February-2018

The Arab League chaired by Djibouti foreign minister Mahmoud Ali Yusuf on Thursday held an emergency meeting in Cairo to discuss the US decision to recognize Occupied Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The meeting which was attended by Arab foreign ministers or their representatives was a follow-up to the previous sessions in December and January on Washington’s capital announcement as well as its declared intent to relocate its embassy to Jerusalem.

The attendees discussed the repercussions of US president Donald Trump’s decision on Jerusalem and the implementation of the Arab League’s ministerial resolution on September 9 2017 which stipulated that the Arab League should convene another meeting within a month to evaluate the situation and agree on future measures.

In his address to the opening session Arab League secretary-general Ahmed Aboul Gheit warned that any hostile move regarding Jerusalem would not be accepted by Arabs Muslims or Christians and would push the region into an abyss of religious conflict violence and terrorism.

“Foreign ministers of the Arab states have decided to cooperate with prominent international counterparts to create a new multilateral international mechanism under UN auspices for delivering a peace process” the final statement of the Arab League’s ministerial meeting read.

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