Fri 25-October-2024

Sharp drop in number of trucks transporting goods to Gaza

Monday 29-January-2018

Israeli statistics have revealed that the number of trucks carrying goods to the Gaza Strip fell to 350 while Gaza is supposed to receive 800-1000 trucks per day.

Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper said that last week witnessed the lowest number of trucks entering Gaza daily via Karem Abu Salem crossing since the 2014 war.

The main reason for this drop according to the Hebrew newspaper is the decline in purchasing power in Gaza.

Another factor is the completion of the implementation of a long series of projects that came within the framework of the Gaza reconstruction campaign following the 2014 war. Those projects provided temporary sources of income for some citizens but they no longer exist.

The National Committee to Break the Siege on Gaza said that about 80% of Gaza’s population depends on humanitarian assistance from international organizations adding that the situation in Gaza is likely to further deteriorate because of the ban on relief convoys’ entry into Gaza and the political harassment UNRWA is being subjected to.

Statistics say that 6 out of 10 families in Gaza suffer from food insecurity and that more than 272000 citizens including 100000 university graduates are currently unemployed due to the blockade and the great destruction caused to Gaza’s industrial facilities by the three Israeli wars on Gaza.

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